Why Nixcademy?

Save Time & Frustration

The average Nix & NixOS developer needs a ramp-up time of about 6 months.

After our intense training week, you mastered the hardest and most powerful parts of Nix & NixOS and know exactly how to integrate your day-to-day work with it.

Avoid Costly Anti-Patterns

Anti-Patterns Upfront: We already know what anti-patterns Nix-beginners will come up with and help you avoid these from day one.

Our expert team has identified common anti-patterns that beginners often encounter, allowing us to provide proactive guidance from the start.

Experience Proven Impact & Success with Nix Courses!

Passionate Support: The intricate subject of Nix is presented with top-notch course materials that cater to participants with diverse backgrounds. Each participant is given personalized attention.

Proven Impact: Our exceptional success rate is backed by the positive feedback from post-class surveys and follow-up surveys after 6 months.